Multiple Repair Stations can be built at a time, but should be placed with care to maximise their coverage, while also ensuring they don’t put too much of a strain on your economy. Available as a device built directly from the Reactor, the Repair Station repairs damage to surrounding building materials and devices as and when they are damaged in exchange for an ongoing resource cost.

In an effort to reduce APM and to add another element of strategy, we have created the Repair Station. The Factory now produces two beam weapons, the classic Plasma Laser and the new Firebeam, great for penetrating fortifications to ignite them from within. The classic Cannon is now found in the new Munitions Plant, where it is joined by it’s little brother, the burst-firing 20mm Cannon. The Armoury unlocks Flak guns to clear the skies of enemy projectiles, and EMP rockets to power down enemy tech, both of which can be upgraded to the Shotgun and twin Rocket launcher, respectively.
This major free update adds two tech buildings which allow commanders access to six formidable new weapons. In addition to this, players can create their own training missions and upload them via the Steam Workshop. Featuring an all new environment and SFX, these missions teach AA defense skills, rush building and structural durability. To help skill up new players, we have added a new ‘Training’ tab to the multiplayer screen, under which are three missions to teach rookie commanders some of the techniques they will need to survive in online battles.

Free DLC – Tons of Guns weapon pack, repair station, additional commander characters and more (see examples below).Frequent updates – Fixes, new features and rebalancing.Multiplayer Training – Missions specifically designed to get new players up to speed with online play.Active Development Since launch, Forts has been heavily supported with: sexy games Added to this are five backgrounds, five emoticons as well as badges, which can all be earned and crafted through playing Forts. Forts Free Download To celebrate Forts’ third birthday we have added twelve Steam Trading Cards.